Follow Me Through the Next Portals . . . if you dare

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Adventures, Bodywork, Inner world work, Love, My journey, Nature, Nature Therapy, Retreats, Rewrite your stories, Self Care, Sex, Spirituality Coaching, Travel, Uncategorized, Wellness, Work

Hello dear people in my world, I feel compelled to share about a few portals I’m stepping through and opportunities that may follow for you. In this letter you will find: Two Upcoming Portals/Initiations I’m entering into SOON. Continued Containers I am being supported in (meaning you are also being supported by these containers if […]

Simple Wellness: Detox and Nourish Retreat Plan

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When did “healthy” become complicated? When did illness become a way to make money? When did wading through wellness options become a nightmare? When people began disconnecting from the earth and its rhythms, and their own bodymindspirit and its messages, and the wisdom of traditions passed down for generations . . . that’s when health […]