Follow Me Through the Next Portals . . . if you dare

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Hello dear people in my world, I feel compelled to share about a few portals I’m stepping through and opportunities that may follow for you. In this letter you will find: Two Upcoming Portals/Initiations I’m entering into SOON. Continued Containers I am being supported in (meaning you are also being supported by these containers if […]


Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Inner world work, Love, Rewrite your stories, Self Care, Services, Spirituality Coaching, Wellness

Are you ready to dive deep into your body, soul, sexuality, empowerment, or spirituality? Do you need support contacting and living from your wholeness, your orgasmic nature, your inner empowerment, and your most authentic, creative self? I am thrilled to offer my first coaching package to support you in exploring your desires, darkness, and light […]

Transformation Information: Changes to Balanced Living coming in July 2021

Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in Adventures, Bodywork, CranioSacral Therapy, Inner world work, Love, Massage Therapy, My journey, Services, Wellness

This letter is an expression of my soul, growth, and vision for Balanced Living. I will share Gratitude for you Motivation for changes coming Who I am Who I am not What to consider in moving forward with me in July   There will be a letter coming the first week of June with the details […]

Wildish Soul in the City

Posted on 5 CommentsPosted in Adventures, Inner world work, Landscapes, Love, My journey, Nature, Nature Therapy, Rewrite your stories

I love the wild. I grew up in Montana with an odd mix of rugged Montana survivalism and tame religious behavioralism. I was nurtured in the wildness of all things Earth. I was tamed in the constructs of all things of religious patriarchy. Since the quarantine started, I have been relishing the time, beginning my […]

Creating Your Best Life: It starts with balanced living

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Adventures, Bodywork, CranioSacral Therapy, Encouragement, Inner world work, Love, Massage Therapy, My journey, Nature, Rewrite your stories, Self Care, Travel, Wellness, Work

I have deep roots in Mama Earth. I have strength and wisdom in my bones. I have adventure and endless possibility in my blood and DNA. I have intuitive, divine knowing in my gut. I have passion and unconditional love in my heart. I have a unique expression of humanity and divinity flowing through my […]


Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in Adventures, Love, My journey, Wellness

“Why is it so hard to live a happy life and so easy to live a sad one?” my ten year old asked me on the way to school this morning. “How long did it take you to figure out how to do it?” Wow. In shock and gratitude that my 10 year old experiences […]